Hospitals in Ireland Use Robots to Help Nurses Work

Corona virus patients are increasing every day, this is experienced in almost every country. Because the number of patients is increasing, the medical staff are also overwhelmed.

In Ireland, the hospital uses robots to help medical workers.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the technology is very helpful in healing corona virus patients. The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital located in Dublin, Ireland already has a software robot that can process quickly administrative and computer-based tasks normally performed by nurses.

So that nurses are no longer preoccupied with administrative matters and they will be more focused on helping care for critical corona virus patients.

The software robot was developed by a software company called UiPath. Where the company is developing a system that accelerates the process in the health care system.

Not only that, this robot also serves to accelerate the process of analysis and Coona-19 corona test results to patients and organizations throughout the world. So that handling will be faster.

Cool again this robot is also designed to disinfect the surface, measure temperature, and collect the results of swabs.