Among the non-invasive therapeutic healing methods that are available out there today floatation therapy which is basically an Epsom salt bath session that does wonders for not just one or two, but a variety of ailments that range from muscle aches, chronic pain and arthritis to PMS discomfort, anxiety, stress and gout just to mention a few. This phenomenon naturally begs the question of how this therapy could be so effective for such many ailments and we are going to give you the answers right here.
To start with, let’s just say that floatation tank therapy does not just involve the rectification of our physical apparatus as the main impact floatation therapy has on us is towards our brain. This is the reason as to why this therapy is also commonly referred to as REST or Restricted Environment Stimulation Technique. Epsom salt baths has been a staple element that is directly related to good health for eons and has been used by people from every part of the planet.
Now this coupled with a ‘restricted environment’ where our sensory inputs are set to minimal in order to give the brain a break from handling stimuli such as sight, sound, temperature changes and gravity allows the human brain to recede into the theta state or a state of semi-consciousness that is similar to what is achieved by meditators after years of practice. This state allows the brain to trigger a recalibration process throughout our entirety from a biological perspective whilst simultaneously removing strain from every single joint of our bodies.
This is possible due to the salinity of the Epsom salt solution that does not allow the floater to sink and thus the floater is suspended in the solution in the chamber and is able to float effortlessly. All this happens because our brain does not have to deal with the plethora of simultaneous inputs picked up by our sensory apparatus (eyes, ears, nostrils, skin and as well as our internal pressure mechanisms). The weightless state allows the brain processes to ignore the effects of gravity, sound, sight and heat leaving an enormous amount of brain processing POWER unused.
The brain does not waste this processing power (the brain does not like to stay idle) and puts it to good use by diverting all this processing power towards reorganising our biological and chemical balances. In other words, floatation therapy basically ‘fine-tunes us’
The reason behind the slow rise of floatation tanks into mainstream use was due to the lack of technology that was available to measure its effectiveness. The fact is that REST was actually conceptualised and used back in the 50s (Much of it credited to Dr John C Lily), but because of the lack of technology it was generally regarded nothing more than ‘a placebo pill’ when users reported how they felt after using it.
However, the concept simply could not fade into nothing because it actually worked and those who tried it recommended it to people close to them and floatation or REST survived albeit silently for more than half a century.
It has moved into the mainstream medical spectrum due to the fact that clinical trial have been conducted and the findings confirms that floatation therapy is much-much more than just a placebo pill!