How To Replace Bad Habits With Better Ones

Global Health

None of us are impervious to falling prey to bad habits. We all have behaviors and vices that we know aren’t great for us but that we continue to fall victim to time and time again. If you’re ready to ditch some of your bad habits, then follow these tips on how to replace those vices with better, healthier habits.

Ditch Smoking Once and For All

It was only a few decades ago when smoking was still commonplace. However, these days just about everyone knows how horrible smoking is for their health. Despite this knowledge, many people continue to smoke. If you still smoke cigarettes or cigars, it’s time to stop. Not only is it grossly unhealthy, but it’s ludicrously expensive. Cigarettes cost a fortune, especially when compared to alternatives like bulk vape juice. Consider replacing your tobacco usage with vaping or simply quitting altogether.

Ditch Inactivity

Many people …

How to Recover From Drug Addiction

Global Health


There are a variety of reasons why people get addicted to drugs. Most of the people addicted to drugs want to quit and live a sober life, but the journey to recovering becomes really tough and trying. Drugs take over the mind makes the addict believe that they need the drugs to survive.

Drugs tend to ruin that person’s life if no action is taken. There is no fun in hiring DUI lawyers and personal injury lawyer after every wild night. In addition to the expenses, the withdrawal symptoms suck and make it even more difficult for one to recover from addiction. Here are some of the thing will help recover from drugs successfully:

  1. Prepare Yourself For Change

Getting over a drug addiction never happens overnight especially if you have been at it for a long time. You have to be ready to make some essential, changes in your life …

An Overview of the Traditional Types of Cancer Treatment

Global Health

Cancer remains as the 2nd leading cause of death. Despite the noticeable advancement in the medical field, thanks to pioneering research from specialist centres such as Cancer Treatment Mexico, cancer is still a mystery to most of us. There have been some changes on how the conventional type of treatment such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy are administered. There are also slight progressions outside the traditional form of treatment, but the conventional therapy remained as the only science-based treatment option.


Traditional Cancer Treatment: Surgery

Surgery as a form of cancer treatment is an invasive process wherein the surgeon will extract the cancer out of your body. When performing surgery, it often involves scalpels that will create an incision to the body. In most cases, the surgeon will have to create a cut on your skin and muscles using scalpels; however, there are also other forms of treatment such …

Best Massage for Athletes

Global Health

Regular massage is considered as one of the necessary element of an athlete’s kit to keep pace with the injuries in the field. A good massage helps to boost up the performance of the athlete and shorten recovery time, so they don’t miss much in the field. Injury prevention is imperative for athletes, for this massage therapy can be considered as the best rehabilitation technique. Massage therapy improves the overall performance of the athletes by preventing injury and reducing pain.

You may like: Modern Massage Chairs

It induces two types of responses i.e. a mechanical response and reflex response. Mechanical response is the response that occurs as a result of pressure and movement whereas reflex response is the response that is generated by the stimulation of nerves and provides a boost in the stamina of the athlete. It is advisable for athletes not to delay their massage sessions as the …

How Will You Age?

Global Health

A group of plastic surgeons from the Loma Linda University Medical Center in California scanned the faces of mothers and daughters using computer modelling and 3D cameras. The research team found that mothers and daughters who look similar also age in a strikingly similar pattern. They found the daughters’ faces were beginning to sag, wrinkle, thin and lose elasticity around the eyes in the same patterns as their mothers’ faces. This similarity particularly increased after the daughters reached the age of 30.

The findings may be especially helpful for women in their mid-30s to early 50s, which is the ideal window for using minimally invasive techniques to maintain a younger looking appearance.

Recognising how your mother’s face changed over the years could help guide a cosmetic surgeon in the appropriate procedures to address similar patterns of sagging skin or volume loss. For example, doctors would be able to pinpoint the …